Gilfillan Farm
Work Shop
All of the identified structures on the Gilfillan Farm property are in need of varying levels of restoration work. It is the mission of the Historical Society of Upper St. Clair to restore the historic buildsings and reconstruct those that are no longer standing, to the standards set forth by the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties.
Built in the Early 1900's
The building that we refer to as "the workshop" is actually not the original structure that served in this location and capacity. A two-story barn was replaced with this small, one-story wood building.

Restoration Work to Date
- None
Future Work & Estimated Costs
- Stabilization of the current structure- TBD
- Reconstruction of the original workshop- TBD

Still Full of History
Although the workshop at the Gilfillan Farm is not the original structure, the current building holds much of the historic value of the farm. The original workshop was a two story barn. It is unknown why the original workshop is no longer standing and a new one had to be built in its place.
It is located near the tool shed and is where most of the tinkering and repairing took place. Just like the tool shed, one could argue that the workshop is one of the most important buildings on the farm. Fortunately, the current workshop has not required any restoration work to date. There are plans to stabilize the structure and possibly reconstruct the original two-story barn in the future.
It is located near the tool shed and is where most of the tinkering and repairing took place. Just like the tool shed, one could argue that the workshop is one of the most important buildings on the farm. Fortunately, the current workshop has not required any restoration work to date. There are plans to stabilize the structure and possibly reconstruct the original two-story barn in the future.